Vermin Control in The Peterborough Area
If you are suffering from the effects of unwelcome vermin at your home or place of work in the Peterborough area then rest assured that Pest Professionals can help. We can assist with instant advice to help eradicate any vermin problem in two very easy and effective steps:

We will help you to assess your problem and give you immediate, honest and FREE advice… without obligation

Your local Pest Professional will come round to sort the problem out quickly and without fuss
The no obligation phone consultation service applies to both domestic and business customers in the Peterborough area. No vermin control job is too big or too small for us to look at. Where appropriate we are able to advise on any immediate action required to protect your health, property or belongings prior to a visit. If a visit is required we let you know if there will be a call out fee and also advise on the likely costs of any vermin removal work should it be necessary.
The Control of Vermin
Many of us think of rats when we hear the word ‘vermin’, but in actual fact it applies to any pest or nuisance animal that impacts on humans by spreading diseases or destroying crops and livestock.
Rats were of course responsible for the Black Death or bubonic plague, or to be exact it was in fact the rat flea that initially transmitted it. To this day rodents carry a micro-organism that causes leptospirosis. The micro-organism lives in the rat without causing illness, but if passed onto humans either by direct contact or through contact with surfaces of water contaminated, for instance, with rat urine, it can lead to the potentially fatal form of leptospirosis known at Weil’s Disease.
The introduced North American grey squirrel is in fact a rodent and is a serious pest on tree plantations, where it strips back bark and causes severe damage to young trees. Grey squirrels also have a tendency to get into lofts in houses where they will cause all manner of damage, including to electrical cables.
Rabbits aren’t strictly speaking vermin, but they do cause all manner of problems for the farming industry. It’s estimated that wild rabbits caused in excess of £50millon in damage to agricultural crops in the UK every year, and at times there is no choice but to control them either through exclusion to extermination techniques. Indeed UK landowners have a legal obligation to control them.
There are many approaches to vermin control, each of which is bespoke to the problem pest. Call one of our Pest Professionals for a free, no obligation consultation.
Carries leptospirosis which can be spread to humans via its urine and which can lead to the potentially fatal Weil’s Disease.
Attracted to houses by availability of food and shelter. Cause damage to buildings by chewing through walls and commonly cause fire hazards by chewing through wiring.
A real problem where clear, flat, grass surfaces are required such as lawns, golf courses, formal and domestic gardens, bowling greens, racecourses and cricket pitches.
Grey Squirrels
A serious pest on tree plantations and also commonly causes significant damage when in domestic loft spaces.
If you need sound advice or a rapid solution to a vermin problem anywhere in Peterborough or the surrounding towns and villages – get in touch.