Bed Bug Treatment Services in The Peterborough Area
If you have bedbugs in your property or at your business then you have a problem that is not going away easily, without expert help. Pest Professionals in Peterborough can assist to provide you with instant advice and help if you have a bed bug issue in two very easy and effective steps:

We will help you to assess your problem and give you immediate, honest and FREE advice… without obligation

Your local Pest Professional will come round to sort the problem out quickly and without fuss
The no obligation phone consultation service applies to both domestic and business customers in the Peterborough area. No bed bug job is too big or too small for us to look at. Where appropriate we are able to advise on any immediate action required to protect your health, property or belongings prior to a visit. If a visit is required we let you know if there will be a call out fee and also advise on the likely costs of any bed bug treatment should it be necessary.
Bed Bug Problems
Bed bugs are a rapidly growing problem in the UK both in domestic and paid-for accommodation environments. They are expert hitch hikers and if you start getting bitten in your sleep soon after staying away from home or in a new property, they could be the cause.
Bed bugs like to live close to their blood meal. They have a flat profile and can harbour in the tiniest of cracks and crevices between joints in the bed or bedroom furniture, or behind headboards. The seams of mattresses are another favourite harbourage point and bed bug mattress encasements should be considered as a measure to cut down on bites quickly. Bed bugs emerge at night, reacting to changes in your carbon dioxide output when you are asleep. They use their mouth parts to pierce the skin, injecting an anti-coagulant and anti-biotic at the same time so they can readily feed on your blood without you feeling it. They tend to feed for 5-15 minutes until they are full, which can result in them being three times their normal size.
Bed Bug Bites and Effects
There is no one common reaction to bed bug bites. We have come across properties with serious infestations, yet the inhabitants show no signs of bites. Others may experience a row of reddish bites and for others a real irritation. One of the most common and very real effects of a bed bug infestation is psychological, causing inhabitants to be unable to sleep and (not that uncommonly) experience significant stress and trauma.
Bed Bug Identification
Bed bugs are often mistaken but are not difficult to identify. An adult bed bug is 4-5mm in length and easily visible to the human eye. They are six-legged and also have two prominent antennae projecting from the head close to the eyes. They have five defined life stages with nymphs being smaller and often translucent. Eggs are about 1mm long, and white or yellowish in colour.
Bed Bug Signs
Because they hide so readily it can be hard to find bed bugs. However, after they have fed they are often too big to get into their hiding place and have to defecate to get back into a safe place. This leaves black spotting around their living area, which can be seen by the human eye. There are a number of bed bug monitors available. We recommend the Cimexine Bug Drawer Monitor which has a quick-view window allowing you to check for bed bugs without having to risk coming into contact with them.
Bed Bug Treatment
Bed bugs are one of today’s problem pests because they are hard to find, and hard to kill. They are adept in developing resistance to even professional strength insecticides and unfortunately you are extremely unlikely to have any success tackling the problem yourself. We specialise in bed bug removal regularly independently test the insecticides available to pest controllers against bed bugs that we know have developed resistance to insecticides. We know which ones are the best and which ones attain only poor results. We recommend heat treatment for bed bugs when the outbreak is well established, including GUARANTEED BED BUG ERADICATION through our sister company Cimexine.
If you need sound advice or rapid solutions to bed bug problems anywhere in Peterborough or the surrounding towns and villages – get in touch.